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from crate to soul.

music reviews.

curated by a passionate music admirer.


LEt the Music find you.

my intention behind this blog

I am passing on music I find worthwhile sharing to like-minded, passioned and open minded listeners. Through my personalised way of reviewing music I am trying to take a stance against algorithmic recommendations, to share my enthusiasm with others and pleading for a more conscious approach to music.

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I perceive music like it is an actual place; completely fading out from everyday lifes, diving into rhythms, beats and lyrics. Music can support your emotions and feelings: either supporting your current emotion regardless of whether you are dead sad or on top of the world or it can put you into a completely different mood. Music can bring back old feelings and memories: memories about people, a certain stage in life or event, old feelings or thoughts. For me it is the most fundamental source as it connects so many other important areas in my life.

Follow me on Instagram @reas.recordselection